Not A Bug Unable to cast Abrade, "Cast" button was greyed out


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While playing a game with a friend last night, I ran into an issue where I couldn't figure out how to cast abrade. I sent a message to support as I assumed I was probably doing something wrong, but was suggested to post this issue here.

Here is the correspondence between myself and support where I've highlighted the issue, as well as the screenshot:
Daybreak Support (MTGO Help)

Apr 24, 2024, 10:17 AM PDT


Thank you for reaching out. I am sorry to hear you encountered issues. If you believe you have encountered a bug we are currently unaware of, I would recommend reporting it on the official Magic The Gathering Online forums, so our team may better investigate this issue, and the community can provide their own input. Provided you can pay for the spell, you should be able to select the modes for it.

Bug Report Forums

If you need assistance with further issues, please let us know,

GM Felix
Daybreak Game Company


Apr 24, 2024, 6:08 AM PDT

I could not figure out how to cast Abrade. Whenever selecting a mode the cast button would be greyed out, regardless if I had available mana or if it was floating. I streamed what I was seeing in my client to my friend that I was playing against, and he and some other friends couldn't figure out what I was meant to do either.
Could you please let me know how to cast a spell with multiple modes? I've attached a screenshot of what I was seeing.