There is a new rule in the game which MTGO implemented that allows you to decline casting a spell that is suspended. It has happened to me numerous times now that I click "ok" "ok" to continue through the triggers, but then accidentally click "no" when I actually wanted to cast the spell. I know it's a user issue but after years of clicking through the triggers, it's VERY easy to accidentally click No.
If there's a subtle "Are you sure you don't want to cast?" feature that can be added, it will greatly help Burn players like me who often play suspend spells that are crucial to whether I will win or lose a game. Even if I just have to click "no" twice, that would help too.
If I'm the only one running into this, please ignore, I'll get used to it eventually
If there's a subtle "Are you sure you don't want to cast?" feature that can be added, it will greatly help Burn players like me who often play suspend spells that are crucial to whether I will win or lose a game. Even if I just have to click "no" twice, that would help too.
If I'm the only one running into this, please ignore, I'll get used to it eventually