Resolved Spawning Pool Can't Tap Itself for Mana


Spawning pool, in a normal game of magic, is supposed to be able to tap itself for mana after it's activated to become a creature. It retains it's mana ability even after it's a creature, thus, it should be able to tap for mana to regenerate itself. This function seems to not be the case.

Recreate bug- No other lands untapped, damage step after Spawning Pool has been declared as a blocker. Attempt to activate the {b} regenerate of spawning pool, can't activate spawning pool to pay for it's own regenerate cost. Can't activate spawning pool BEFORE activating the regenerate to add black mana either


MTGO Regular
This happened to me this weekend. I thought it had been working correctly since the OP from last December, but maybe I just haven't tried it since then. In any case, it's no longer allowing you to tap it for B mana once it's a creature.