Fixed Reprints Not Legal in New Formats


New member
This just happened to me as well. I couldn't sideboard in a 2-man pioneer match bc I had Go for the Throat in my sideboard. When we entered sideboarding after game 1, the deckbuilder had the yellow caution triangle and Go for the Throat was highlighted. I let the timer run out and it let me play with my main deck configuration but I couldn't submit any changes because the deck was not "legal."

It also states the reprinted cards are not legal in Pioneer in the deck builder under the Collections Tab.

Please watch this match Devs - Event# 12493920 Match# 253963259 It occured in the sideboarding between games# 818958614 and 818960364


Senior Community Manager
Community Team
This is an unfortunate side effect of todays hotfix. All reprints in BRO that introduce a card to a particular format (including rares and mythics) will now be illegal until Tuesday AM PT. We apologize for having to reverse previous announcements.

If you entered an event with a now-illegal deck or lost a match to a non-reprint BRO card, please drop from the event and file at If you have signed up for a Premier event with a now-illegal card, drop from and re-join with a corrected deck.