have stats/game history tied to account, not install

I've played on many devices and had to reinstall mtgo many times and it's always sad that this completely wipes my stats and play history. Especially seeing as it seems all this data is stored somewhere internally (since the MOCS always shows competitors lifetime mtgo winrates in the relevant formats) it'd be really cool to see what your lifetime winrate is in each format (or any other neat stats you might have).


Well-known member
I've played on many devices and had to reinstall mtgo many times and it's always sad that this completely wipes my stats and play history. Especially seeing as it seems all this data is stored somewhere internally (since the MOCS always shows competitors lifetime mtgo winrates in the relevant formats) it'd be really cool to see what your lifetime winrate is in each format (or any other neat stats you might have).
It's quite possible that the mtgo team has this data in a DB somewhere...
Unless they clear it out after a period of time....


Well-known member
I've played on many devices and had to reinstall mtgo many times and it's always sad that this completely wipes my stats and play history. Especially seeing as it seems all this data is stored somewhere internally (since the MOCS always shows competitors lifetime mtgo winrates in the relevant formats) it'd be really cool to see what your lifetime winrate is in each format (or any other neat stats you might have).
This is a great idea, and has already been proposed. Please upvote & comment on this thread to raise its visibility: https://forums.mtgo.com/index.php?threads/download-match-history.1313/
This is a great idea, and has already been proposed. Please upvote & comment on this thread to raise its visibility: https://forums.mtgo.com/index.php?threads/download-match-history.1313/
The idea you linked to is different, and seems to have already been implemented (there are import/export buttons on the game history page). While I agree this is a large improvement, I still feel it'd be much better if it was just tied to account. Exporting and importing after every reinstall/new device is a bit annoying (and hopeless in the case of device failure), and a lot of matches are "lost" since they occurred before this change.

It'd be natural to expect this wouldn't be possible as there'd normally be no reason to think this information is kept anywhere, but we have seen that they have lifetime win/loss records as these are been displayed for all the MOCS competitors during the broadcast, so if they have this information already it'd be nice if we could see it.