Terrible takes in this thread.
Draft queue pays only for 2 or 3 wins. So only the best players get anything. So effectively you are punishing your newbie players. Why would you do that? Are you TRYING to discourage new players from playing MTGO?
At a 50% winrate you're 50% to win prizes in a draft, so an average player prizes half the time, if you're losing more than you win why should you get prizes? At that win% draft leagues currently have an ev of -1.4tx which is... just not that bad. Also how many new-to-magic players are playing standard drafts on mtgo rather than arena?
And should pay the most rewards for 2 wins and slightly less for 3.
It's massively more difficult to go 3-0 vs 2-1, at 2-1 drafts are already positive ev so why shouldn't players who accomplish the much larger challenge get a much larger reward?
Also, you should generally lower prices or increase prizes.
The prize:cost ratio is about as tight as you can get as is, leagues are already positive ev for anyone with a 49%+ wr. Daybreak is *presumably* trying to make money and giving away tix for free doesn't seem like it would be profitable.
I love phantom events and would prefer them over everything.
Phantom events are always on average more expensive than regular drafts regardless of your win%.
For some reason alot of players dream of making minimum wage (or less) by playing magic online and just HAVE to get cards/packs out of their play time
Or, consider, that a large portion of mtgo players just like playing magic competitively and for real stakes.
The rest of us would rather just pay like $6/hr to play Magic
Well luckily, as long as you have an 18%+ winrate, drafting is, on average, cheaper than that (assuming 1 draft = 1hr).
It would be great to have access to all cards more often. I would easily pay a fee for like a month to just grind out a ton of matches over like a holiday break while not breaking the bank for something I don't really have the time for.
Y'know card rental bots exist and do exactly this, without demolishing the game's economy?
The way the formats are setup is that players that fit in the group can really only afford standard
Pauper also exists.
This could also boost participation in other formats if there is any issue with having adequate players.
Vintage is cheaper than either Modern or Legacy yet it has a fraction of the players, Modern has the most players despite being the most expensive format.
I'm sure a bunch of folks in these formats would love a bunch of new players who don't know the ins and outs... like some free wins
Wins don't mean much if you tank the economy and make the prizes worthless.
I've been playing since 2008ish and I've never once came close to acquiring enough cards to redeem a set through draft or sealed... This is the type of player that your market is missing on,
I would guess that 90%+ of redemptions are by the major bots, so idk what your point is.
I think 85% or more of the players who want to play legacy or modern have already bought the cards to do so... like in a way that market is closed because those players have already bought in...
Must be why prices on cards for those formats fluctuate so much, because nobody's buying or selling them /s
A quick numbers check could be to look at how many mtgo accounts there are and subtract how many of those have participated in a single legacy event. Then subtract some artbitrary % because not everyone is interested in legacy or modern ( OR ARE THEY? ).
Absurd way of evaluating anything. Even if you only evaluate active accounts there are tons of bots, alt accounts, etc. Also, again, vintage is cheaper than legacy and has a large cardpool overlap yet has vastly fewer players, giving everybody legacy decks wouldn't suddenly make
everyone play legacy.
Then compare that to how many players by 1K$ tickets to buy and play a legacy deck and how often.
The most expensive legacy deck on mtggoldfish is 8cast at 763tix, most are around 500 and many are <400
There is not the population of players to make any of these things happen any more. Why?
Because of Arena. very clearly. The biggest drop of players happened at the exact same time as arena came out. Also doesn't vintage cube still get, like, thousands of active players at a time.
And not ONE TIME did Wizards EVER solicit my advice or listen to me about anything
Wizards literally has a survey for every set where they solicit advice from players...
Worth noting as well, that there used to be friendly leagues with flatter prizes for more formats and they shut down because they had so few players relative to the competitive leagues. Also when they tried to flatten the prizes for the pauper leagues there was a widely negative response from the community. Should be an indicator that most players don't want flatter prizing.
Also if you want to play constructed for lower stakes you can play in the open lobbies or the 2-player queues. If you want to play standard drafts for lower stakes you can play on arena.