Not A Bug Daretti, Ingenious Iconoclast -1


New member
During game 2 of an AlphaFrog Vintage Cube Phantom Draft League, Daretti, Ingenious Iconoclast did not work correctly.
On turn 5 during my precombat main phase, I cast Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer for its dash cost. It dealt combat damage and created a treasure token. In my postcombat main phase, I used the treasure token and two lands to cast Daretti, Ingenious Iconoclast. I activated the -1 ability of Daretti, targeting my opponent's Revealing Eye. The interface did not give me an option to sacrifice an artifact or creature, and instead skipped to my end step and returned Ragavan to my hand due to its dash ability. I lost on my opponent's next turn because of the additional combat damage from Revealing Eye.

Upon further reflection, I believe Daretti's -1 may have also broken while my opponent Mindslavered me in match 1, although I cannot confirm this because I wasn't in control, and did not have access to any of the UI.


Not a bug - replay showed that you did not have another artifact to sacrifice to Daretti's ability (the Treasure you used to cast it was your only one)