Not A Bug Could not change target of Fatal Push copied by Narset's Reversal


New member
Game ID: 853328992

This happened on my turn 11. My opponent controlled a Torrential Gearhulk and I controlled a Crackling Drake. I attacked for lethal with the Crackling Drake and my opponent cast Fatal Push (with Revolt since they'd used Field of Ruins on one of my lands earlier in the turn). I responded by casting Narset's Reversal on the Fatal Push.

My expectation was that their Fatal Push would be returned to hand (they had no black mana left so could not recast it), Narset's Reversal would create a copy for me, and I could redirect the copy to their Gearhulk to save my Drake and hit them for lethal.

Instead, the game never prompted me to choose a target for the copy and I ended up killing my own Drake. The gamelog said "Fatal Push (currently targetting Crackling Drake) has no other legal targets." However, this should not be true. Fatal Push allows targetting any creature, even with Mana Value greater than 4, as confirmed in it's rulings on Therefore, I should have been able to redirect the Fatal Push to Gearhulk rather than embarrassingly killing my own Drake.