Hello, I strongly suggest that all cards that are (or could be) meta relevant cards from last sets, are added to MTGO. Pauper is an Official MTG format, and the are some huge missing cards for Pauper, both which were released in the last year.
The two most important cards that aren't available are:
- Chains of Custody. This is a huge card for Mono White Bully, a deck that has shown great results in Leagues, Challenges and my local scene too. Also, it is a huge adition to Tethmos High Priest decks, as it protects the main card of these decks (the Priest), it is a great removal, and it gets a Heroic Trigger. The card is meta relevant and has shown important results in various LGS, so it must be added to MTGO.
- Jade Orb of Dragon Kind. This card would allow tons of play to Changellings decks and green Dragon Initiative decks. It improves stats of all creatures of these two decks.
As a huge Pauper fan, I've been playing the format for more than ten years. I am truly disappointed of not seeing these cards on MTGO, and I am seriosly considering quitting MTGO if you won't add this cards to the game and if you won't add more meta relevant cards in the future.