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  1. C

    Draft Boomer Queue

    IPA was so much fun, I understand the formats are not super popular but if we could get a flashback format every 2 weeks that would be super sick. Format Suggestions: IPA ROE 3x TSP or TPF (not remaster) Mirrordin x2 Darksteel Champions x2 Betrayers OG Full Block Ravnica ISD Lorwyn...
  2. C

    Fixed Double Picking in Draft

    Hello, Twice now, during drafts, I have gotten two copies of a card I selected. Literally, I received two copies of it into my pool below. This was not just a visual bug either, I was able to register both copies of the card in my pool if I wanted. (in this draft I was able to register what...
  3. C

    Fixed Small Inaccuracies in New Set

    Hi, I hope these small mistakes can be corrected because they do not fit with the MTGO conventions set in past. - Skullcap Snail's exiled card should go into exile, and not under the snail. There is no way for the card to return to hand and no reason for it to be under the snail. - Queen's Bay...