Currently in Tournament Practice rooms you can watch matches but not see either players hand. If you could have the ability to see even the bottom/current players hand that would raise the level of spectate for tournaments by a large margin. Currently TOs have to have each player screenshare their side which leads to variety of new variables.
Depending on how spectate is coded I wondered if the objects in hand are actually there and just hidden. If this was luckily the case I think we could have some kind of spectate key attached to tournament practice room matches. The players in the match could give that key/password to viewers and they could enter watch mode with the hand hider turned off.
I understand that if this is not the case and the hand objects dont exist in the watch mode that this is much less doable but I figured Id ask just encase it is feasible.
Depending on how spectate is coded I wondered if the objects in hand are actually there and just hidden. If this was luckily the case I think we could have some kind of spectate key attached to tournament practice room matches. The players in the match could give that key/password to viewers and they could enter watch mode with the hand hider turned off.
I understand that if this is not the case and the hand objects dont exist in the watch mode that this is much less doable but I figured Id ask just encase it is feasible.