Simple Improvements to the Add More popup in trade


New member
-Backspace works but Delete doesn't. When clicking in the text box, you are most likely to have the cursor at the left of the text. This means the delete key would be useful but it doesn't work.

-ctrl+a doesn't work in the text box to highlight all of the text. It would be useful to just hit ctrl+a and type in the new number instead of manipulating the default number.

-input box for quantity should have focus when you open this window so you don't have to click in it before modifying the input.

-if you select the text by double-clicking it, you can't just type a new number in to overwrite the selected text. You have to hit backspace first to delete the text, then you can type a new number. typing to replace the selected text should not be disabled.

-after manipulating the input field, hitting enter should be the equivalent of clicking the 'Add to Trade' button. The enter button currently does nothing.