Backlog Silent-Blade Oni trigger effect doesn't work, can't cast card from opponents hand.


New member
Event ID: 260606823

I dealt combat damage to my opponent with Silent-Blade Oni, so I get to look at my opponents hand and cast a card for free from their hand. My opponents hand was revealed to me as expected, but I was prompted to choose a card for them to discard (this was unexpected as that's not on Silent-Blade Oni). All of my opponents cards were grayed out for that option, so I clicked Done, then was prompted to choose a card from their hand to cast for free, but now my opponents hand wasn't visible. I tried clicking on the revealed cards zone, so I could see their hand again, but couldn't choose a card from there to cast. Eventually I gave up and clicked No, not casting my opponents card.

Later in the game my opponent took control of my Silent-Blade Oni and upon triggering his effect had the same issue of not being able to cast a card from my hand.
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New member
The mana created from virtue of strength doesn't triple if you click the card to cast it, you have to float the mana first then use it. I cast a spell without noticing but caught it for the second. Game ID 851604134


New member
There does seem to be another post about this, but as it was posted 3 months ago without any response, I felt a new thread was justified.

In the Magic 30 Cube just now, I was playing a game in which I ninjutsu'd my Silent-Blade Oni in using Satoru Umezawa's alternate ninjutsu cost, and successfully dealt combat damage to my opponent. However, after being shown their hand and picking the card I wished to cast, I was left with a prompt to "click the card" in order to cast it, but no ability to do so (the pop up showing their hand was gone, and clicking on the card in the revealed pile did nothing). Ultimately, I had no choice but to decline the option to cast the spell.


New member
After using silent-blade oni a handful of times over a few games in the M30 cube (and losing two because of it), I have found that it doesn't initially show the card you choose from the opponent's hand. One opponent, after stealing it, said they tapped a land and got the spell to show up and then they cast it.

My screen name is Domotoro, it happened just tonight (Game Details # 262154145 and 262151444)