Rewards for top 3 trophy leaders (competitive leagues)


New member
I would like to suggest a prize reward at the end of each season for the top three trophy leader players from each competitive league.
For years mtgo had this trophy count but It was meaningless because you gain nothing for grinding that trophy racing.
What I suggest is not to give treasure chests/collections as prizes but to give exclusive avatars for that season/format and give some amount of play points for the top 3 players. Giving play points is not something that will break economy or make an insane racing that would happen if the prizes were treasure chests or something like that.
Also give an incentive to all other player that have at least one trophy and give to them something like 50~100 pps at the end of the season as a symbolic way to say "thanks for playing".


Active member
I really like this. It's nice to see your name in the leaderboard, but would be great if players were given more reasons to grind for it. In the end it is a win-win situation for Daybreak as people spend more, right?