Duel Commander suggestions


New member
With the recent inclusion of Freeform with a commander option, Duel Commander community has garnered interest into moving online tournaments to it from Cockatrice,Untap,etc.. However, Bo3 is needed before a full swap can be done.

As is, MTGO will be great for testing decks but it won't be good for any form of competitive play. I'm aware that you are already working on introducing cards which are played but not on MTGO and this is great. In Duel Commander there is an option of swapping your commanders after games(form of sideboarding). Since the format also has 20 life it would be great if we could get that as well.

With all of that said there's only 3 changes which we need to enable competitive play for Duel Commander:
- Best of 3
- Option to sideboard(swap commanders)
- Life total change
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