Backlog Does Benevolent Blessing remove itself or is MTGO messed up?


MTGO Regular
Okay so I have Light Paws out with a bunch of white auras on it. I play Benevolent Blessing on Light Paws choosing Pro-white. Blessing immediately removes itself and goes to the graveyard but doesn't remove any of the other auras.

Is it supposed to work like that?
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Community Team
This is incorrect behavior based on the release notes released with Commander Legends.

  • The protection ability granted to the enchanted creature won't remove Benevolent Blessing itself, any Auras you control that became attached to the enchanted creature at the same time as Benevolent Blessing, or any Auras you control that were already attached to the enchanted creature as Benevolent Blessing became attached.


MTGO Regular
This is incorrect behavior based on the release notes released with Commander Legends.

  • The protection ability granted to the enchanted creature won't remove Benevolent Blessing itself, any Auras you control that became attached to the enchanted creature at the same time as Benevolent Blessing, or any Auras you control that were already attached to the enchanted creature as Benevolent Blessing became attached.

Okay cool! I was pretty darn sure it worked like that and im happy to hear I wasnt just stupid and missed something.

Now I just hope they fix it soon cause lol that was sort of an expensive common and would be a LOT better if it worked as intended.