Backlog Countered Adventure Not Triggering Descend


New member
This is not the first time this happened, but today I finally decided to reach out about this bug (unless I have the rules interaction wrong).

When my Petty Theft (the adventure of Brazen Borrower) gets countered, it does not trigger my Stalactite Stalker's descend ability EOT.

I could be wrong on the rules interaction, but when I did some googling, I found this reddit post from Judge_Todd (a mod of r/mtgrules) explaining the descend mechanic. This interaction was specifically mentioned in his explanation, and if he is correct, my stalker should have gotten a counter EOT.
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MTGO Regular
Yeah, this is a bug. "Having descended" cares about a permanent entering the graveyard from anywhere.

“715.4. In every zone except the stack, and while on the stack not as an Adventure, an adventurer card has only its normal characteristics.”

So the brazen borrower will be a permanent when entering the graveyard.