Companion Heart Icon Popping-up


New member
Hello there!

During games where you've selected a Companion, unless the Heart Icon is previously selected to be "Open", the Companion area keeps popping out and in again when you have sorcery-speed priority (ie, when it would be possible for you to add the companion to your hand).

This is annoying since it messes with the position of the cards in your hand, so your only alternative is making sure you click the icon to have it pop-out as soon as the game starts. Keep in mind that since it automatically pops-out when you have priority, you actually have to close it and open it again every single game (turning the heart icon "golden").

My suggestion would be to either not make the heart-icon area pop-out every time you would be able to cast the companion or make the area pop out by default. A third alternative which seems harder to implement would be to "save" my choice of the area being popped out.

Thank you!