Fixed chord of calling isnt working


New member
Now not only does chord not let you pay for "x" with mana OR convoke. But a young wolf with a +1/+1 counter isnt gaining the abilities of the creatures exiled with cauldron.


New member
The bug is i can't convoke.And the spell just can find dryad arbor onto the battlefield.It made me two league unfair game.
You can view the recording:modern league#7611 match#262279448 game#852389120.
Another game is match#262277612 game#852382344.
These just example of two league.Can you
compensate me 20tix?
thx, have a nice day.


New member
Hi, I had the same problem, is imposible to chord for x more than 0, it happened also with a twiglight mire in play. If you want to check can see the friendly modern league: League #7595. I will try to replicate in the next match the bug an take some screenshots.