Implemented Add Competitive (4 Player) EDH/Commander Leagues


New member
There seems to be a sizable and growing community of cedh players who at the moment don`t have a place to go on Mtgo. They can always make a lobby and label it ,,cedh" but in my experience is that this system is flawed, if you are looking for a very specific experience: People often ignore the lobby description. This isn't really a solvable problem for casual lobbies labeled ,,no land destruction/counters/timewalks power level 6/10'', but for cedh, where the idea is just to play to win, a League with prizes that inherently incentivizes this, should solve this issue. Here are the pros and cons of my suggestion with possible solutions:

-Cedh players can easily find the environment they are looking for on Mtgo.
-They also don`t have to share a room with casual players who are looking for a very different experience, which would benefit both sides.
-It could turn out to be a significant revenue stream for Mtgo. Cedh player actually want the expensive and powerful cards and are invested enough to also want premium versions of them. Also Mtgo is not currently making any money from edh play (besides card acquisition) even though edh is Magics most popular format. Leagues could also be a great way to test the water for possible future cedh events.
-Almost all big Mtgo Streamers on Twitch play mostly in competitive events/leagues. Edh doesn't have those on any digital platform at the moment. This could be a way to actually give edh players something to watch on streaming platforms.

-Planned collusion between 2-3 people is a major issue in 4 player games, in a way that it isn't in a 1v1. And that is problematic with prizes.
-One player doing something spiteful (for example conceding so that permanents another player stole from the vanish) can feel very bad in a competitive 4 player game.
-Those and other things are generally fixed irl by people following a code of honour. You can't expect random people online to follow such a code or the basic requirements for sportsmanship.

-Make the prize structure relatively flat. That way collusion isn`t worth it and losing, because a player wants to screw you at all cost, doesn't hurt as much.
-Clearly communicate what people are signing up for: if the participants understand that they are signing up for a game, in which they can lose not because they played bad or got unlucky, but maybe just because somebody else did something irrational, it should be fine. Maybe just say so in a public statement or in a bit of text that pops up when you view the league details.

In Conclusion: Although multiplayer edh is not designed for competitive there are very real benefits to giving people a good way to play it like that on Mtgo and the problems are in my opinion not severe enough to not give it a try.
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MTGO Regular
Great suggestions. I also think MTGO should develop their 1v1 Commander community, as a way for players to enjoy competitive edh without the collusion issues you highlighted.

I recently wanted to try building a deck for 1v1, and noticed that MTGO no longer even maintains a ban list for the format on its website. It apparently was deleted months ago. Why?? There are multiple ppl on Reddit asking around about this, and no one has an answer. How are players going to try this format out if they can’t even find out what the legal commanders are…??


New member
Great suggestions. I also think MTGO should develop their 1v1 Commander community, as a way for players to enjoy competitive edh without the collusion issues you highlighted.

I recently wanted to try building a deck for 1v1, and noticed that MTGO no longer even maintains a ban list for the format on its website. It apparently was deleted months ago. Why?? There are multiple ppl on Reddit asking around about this, and no one has an answer. How are players going to try this format out if they can’t even find out what the legal commanders are…??
Oh wow, didn't know about that. The only workaround I can see is to just check ,,1v1 commander'' in the deck builder and search for a card you are wondering about or to put cards in a 1v1 deck and wait if they show as illegal. But I think that format is just dead in the water anyway. there are 10x more 1v1 games firing in the normal commander section than in the 1v1 commander section. That's probably the best way to do it if you want to play 1v1 commander games online right now, just use the regular edh banlist. I'm not really surprised by that. Unlike normal commander there is no real paper equivalent for that format, so nobody will do stuff like play online do some testing for a paper event and there was never an existing scene for it before they created it. The better call would have probably been to just do duel commander or Canadian highlander instead of inventing their own thing. (although funnily enough 1v1 commander is probably still only has the second lowest popularity in the commander section. Brawl lol)


MTGO Regular
Oh wow, didn't know about that. The only workaround I can see is to just check ,,1v1 commander'' in the deck builder and search for a card you are wondering about or to put cards in a 1v1 deck and wait if they show as illegal. But I think that format is just dead in the water anyway. there are 10x more 1v1 games firing in the normal commander section than in the 1v1 commander section. That's probably the best way to do it if you want to play 1v1 commander games online right now, just use the regular edh banlist. I'm not really surprised by that. Unlike normal commander there is no real paper equivalent for that format, so nobody will do stuff like play online do some testing for a paper event and there was never an existing scene for it before they created it. The better call would have probably been to just do duel commander or Canadian highlander instead of inventing their own thing. (although funnily enough 1v1 commander is probably still only has the second lowest popularity in the commander section. Brawl lol)
Yeah, I hear you. If there’s no interest and they’re killing the format, that’s totally understandable and fine. But they should take down the website then.

I like your suggestion to just play normal commander 1v1, but I want it to be highly competitive like cedh. The only aspect of cedh I don’t enjoy is the fact that it’s multiplayer.


1) How much do competitive Commander players want to pay for a cEDH experience - 2 tix per match?
2) Do those players want to play winner-take-all?


MTGO Regular
1) For 1v1 cEDH I’d pay 5 tickets/match. Wouldn’t be interested in multiplayer.

2) Yes, definitely winner take all. (easy for 2 player)


New member
1) How much do competitive Commander players want to pay for a cEDH experience - 2 tix per match?
2) Do those players want to play winner-take-all?
1) Considering that cEDH players are fairly investested and rather competitive minded, i think that a somewhat high entry might be okay, but it likely should be below other formats like modern/pioneer which are build and balanced for competitive play.

2) For any individual 4 player game it would have to be winner takes all, because it is incredibly common that one player kills all the others in one turn or even one game action which means there really is only 1 winner and no first/second/third/fourth.


New member
Often have I delt with making a cedh lobby and have this happen. A new player joins (which is perfectly fine) not knowing what cedh is. Or a more casual player joins gets mad at you for going kinda off on turn two then blocking you. both situations are hella awkward when they happen. With leagues everyone has skin in the game its expected to be competitive. I know you said this wasn't popular before. I feel like that would change this time around. I jam well over 50 cedh games a week. Interest in the format is only growing.


I tried discussing this in another thread - maybe it'll coalesce here:

1) How much would you pay to enter?
2) Would you expect prizes to be winner-take-all?


MTGO Regular
1) I’d pay 5-10 tickets/match or 10-20 tickets/league for cedh. Really only interested in 1v1 though, so this might not be representative of the community as a whole.

2) Yes, winner take all would be great.