In Consideration Yield Until Next End Step (Or If My Opponent Does Something)

In short, I want something comparable to the current "Yield Until Next End Step" but I want to be given priority back if my opponent puts a spell (or possibly an ability) on the stack.
In my opinion, this is the most common workflow for control decks or for any decks that operate at instant speed. I want to pass priority but also hold up counters / removal. If my opponent does nothing, I will use mana in their end step. If they do something, I retain the option to respond.

Specifically what I'm trying to do is minimize the number of times in a turn that my opponent and I pass priority back and forth to one another, which breaks up the flow of the game. This change would minimize clock time used and minimize accidental yields.

Bonus points if there's two versions of the yield: one for spells and one for abilities and spells. For example, in Modern I think it's common that you are willing to yield through your opponent's activated abilities (such as cracking fetchlands) but you need to retain the ability to respond to spells placed on the stack.
Yeah. That'd be perfect. I think the closest thing right now would be hitting 2 multiple times a turn (one for each stop set / each spell / ability).


This seems comparable to how Arena handles priority when you click Auto-Pass but can still actually take actions in response to the opponent. I'm interested to know if folks think that's enough of an improvement over what MTGO currently does to warrant implementation.


Well-known member
Yeah if it’s not too much of a headache to implement, I think that would be a nice enhancement to the game experience! As OP noted, would be primarily beneficial to control decks, which often run into time constraints.


New member
This seems comparable to how Arena handles priority when you click Auto-Pass but can still actually take actions in response to the opponent. I'm interested to know if folks think that's enough of an improvement over what MTGO currently does to warrant implementation.
It is a huge improvement for all control players. You usually lose games to timeout because you actually have dominance with planeswalker and utility lands + counterspells but cannot yet end the game. If your opp keeps drawing and playing single cards you lose enourmous amounts of time. Let‘s say you have Counterspell in hand and Castle Vantress on board: You simply cannot yield until eot because you miss chance to counter and you cannot yield until response because you really need to use Castle Vantress eot to find finisher. Means you need to click through EVERY step. Please implement this - control is very discriminated by time and functionality framework.
Couldn't you do exactly this by removing all your stops (except end step) on the opponent's turn? You'll auto-pass priority through steps and phases but it'll still give you priority in response to your opponent's actions.
It’s not just for control players - imagine any deck playing urza’s saga, or tron with expedition map/warping wail, or any cascade deck with violent outburst that would want to play it end step unless opponent plays chalice of the void main phase etc. if it’s hard to implement, no big deal but it’s a really common play pattern


Community Team
An auto yield until the next end step or until something goes on the stack would really help multiplayer commander as well.


New member
Hello there!

I want to bring attention back to the idea of adding a "Pass Until Response or Until End Step" feature.

The current "Pass Until Response" option skips right past the end step if there's nothing to respond to, which is a problem for interactive decks that need to make plays at the end of the opponent's turn while being ready to respond (which the "Yield Until End Step" feature does not allow).

The proposed feature would let us pass until the opponent does something or until the end step, giving us a chance to act even if they didn't cast anything. This would be a huge help for managing time and making efficient plays with instant-speed interactions, for which Magic is so well-known.

This change would really improve the MTGO experience for interactive players and seems like it wouldn’t be too hard to implement. I hope we can get some traction on this request!



Well-known member
Hello there!

I want to bring attention back to the idea of adding a "Pass Until Response or Until End Step" feature.

The current "Pass Until Response" option skips right past the end step if there's nothing to respond to, which is a problem for interactive decks that need to make plays at the end of the opponent's turn while being ready to respond (which the "Yield Until End Step" feature does not allow).

The proposed feature would let us pass until the opponent does something or until the end step, giving us a chance to act even if they didn't cast anything. This would be a huge help for managing time and making efficient plays with instant-speed interactions, for which Magic is so well-known.

This change would really improve the MTGO experience for interactive players and seems like it wouldn’t be too hard to implement. I hope we can get some traction on this request!

Thanks for resurrecting this thread. This would indeed be a huge improvement. 19 upvotes! Hopefully this gets prioritized for implementation!