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Event ID: 275882037
Game ID: 906601418
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In modern the deck amulet titan plays both vesuva and echoing deeps as lands. These are among other things used in a loop with Aftermath analyst. When preforming this loop, the scenario where both vesuva and echoing deeps are returned at the same time from the graveyard might occur. When this happens, it's my understanding that the player should be able to select witch replacement effect that happens first between the two lands. However, on mtgo this is currently not the case, and it seems like graveyard order decides which effect happens first. The problem with this is that if the player wants to copy two different lands with vesuva and echoing deeps, if vesuva has priority echoing deeps copies whatever vesuva copied and echoing deeps becomes that land. To avoid making the deck more difficult to play, I would suggest that echoing deeps always takes priority over vesuva, to make sure that echoing deeps can copy vesuva and not the land vesuva copies.
In the attached immages, 1 is the scenario where I sack echoing deeps first, 2 is when I sack vesuva first.
In the provided game, the last turn of the player on the play shows the loop and how the bug works
In the attached immages, 1 is the scenario where I sack echoing deeps first, 2 is when I sack vesuva first.
In the provided game, the last turn of the player on the play shows the loop and how the bug works