Fixed Today's Patch Negatively Affects How Cavern Harpy Works on MTGO; Please Consider Reverting Change


New member
Cavern Harpy is a critical combo piece in the Legacy Aluren deck. The deck is already underplayed on the Magic Online client because of the inability to demonstrate a loop like you can in paper, having to click through every iteration of the combo (and there are many) manually. This can occasionally lead to clock losses, and is a massive obstacle to newer players picking up and experimenting with a deck that is already very challenging to pilot.

As an experienced player of the deck, I'd rather not have more obstacles in the way of what is already quite challenging. Previously, casting Cavern Harpy on Magic Online asked you to return a blue or black creature to your hand on the ETB trigger; you simply clicked the card you wanted to return, and it was done. That is one click for Harpy, one click for the creature, and one click for the activated ability to start again (if necessary, depending on the loop).

As of today's patch, Cavern Harpy asks for confirmation on whether or not you are sure that this is the card you want to return.

That looks like this.

There is then an additional prompt requiring you to press okay (or press your confirm key). This presents an additional two clicks per loop to last patch; depending on which loop you are taking, this can be incredibly detrimental for clock reasons for little upside (especially the Uro loops or Bowmaster loops). While this is a good change in general, it is very likely that the player casting Cavern Harpy knows which creature they plan to return, and even if something were to absolutely go wrong, they could pay 1 life to do it again in most circumstances.

If possible, I would like to request that an exemption to this code be made for Cavern Harpy, and its code be rolled back to its previous iteration (where it did not request confirmation and there was no "OK" button). In general, I think asking for confirmation is good for the client, but in instances where you have to do it dozens of times in a row, it can be quite cumbersome to gameplay and is a significant issue for this deck's viability in Magic Online, where there is already a large difference from paper. While there is no perfect solution to demonstrating a loop on a digital client, minimizing the number of clicks is quite important. Since the previous code was better for this and already existed, I hope that it is possible to make an exemption and rollback Cavern Harpy specifically.


New member
It seems like there was a recent change to the Ravnica bounce style lands where you now have to select a land and confirm. While I understand the idea behind it, this feels like a very negative quality of life change. The game is already very slow when resolve amulet of vigor. Having to confirm you would like to bounce a specific land is quite tedious, especially considering lotus field doesn't require this.
When you are likely bouncing 10-20 lands a match, this extra cost on confirmation really does start to add up and feels very tedious, could you at least implement an option that could allow you to select "ok" and one where it still functions the old way?

TLDR: in the most recent update, the Ravnica bounce lands require a confirmation, this feels very tedious, could you consider reversing the changes?


Well-known member
Agreed. And in addition to Amulet of Vigor, Aether Vial is another you have to click on at the beginning of your turn, even if you have it set to Always Yield and Always Yes.


New member
As of my last match, it seemed like Cavern Harpy was reverted to the way it was previously. This is great news! I hope similar issues get reverted as well.