Backlog Thraben Charm not required to choose Flagbearer as target when it's a legal target


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I have two Standard Bearers in play. Opponent first casts a Journey to Nowhere targeting my Gemhide Sliver. As far I know, this is the expected behavior. Next, they cast a Thraben Charm targeting my Sidewinder Sliver. Shouldn't Thraben Charm be required to target one of the two Flagbearer creatures under my control? Unfortunately, I do not have a Game ID, but I do have a screen shot (see attached).

Unfortunately, I did not think to grab the Game ID while taking the screenshot, but did at least take a screenshot.

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New member
Found the same bug.

Game # 897133698

Here's a print of the moment I was able to target the other creature, even thought I couldn't according to the rules:
Here's a video of the moment I was able to target the other creature: