I think it's awesome that we are now offering free decks for new players to try out. As someone who exclusively play 4-player casual EDH on MTGO I have seen a lot of the new Braids deck for new players, and while I genuinely love the idea, I think the deck itself needs some tweaks. My main issues with the deck are as follows:
- It lacks a strong focus on a win-condition, leading to prolonged games that turn into boring slog-fests that people end up not enjoying
- It focuses too much on forced discard, while completely failing to synergize with this strategy. This again leads to prolonged games where opponents are unable to play their hands (not fun), while at the same time not providing any way to close out the game.
- The deck is focused around sacrificing your own cards, and while there's a huge amount of cards in the deck that are great targets to be sacrificed, there's far too few sacrifice outlets in the deck. Braids, the commander itself is the only real card in the deck that can reliably sacrifice cards, and Braids can only sacrifice a single card each turn. This leads to too many cards in play that want to be sacrificed, without enough cards to actually sacrifice them.
- Add more sacrifice outlets that can sacrifice multiple cards per turn.
- Completely remove the forced discard aspect. It just isn't fun and doesn't synergize with the main deck strategy at all.
- Add more aristocrat style cards that provide a true win-condition by sacrificing your own cards.