Some QOL stuff for tokens


MTGO Regular
Admittedly this is probably just something I care about, at least the first thing is.

But I could swear a long time ago that when a card was foil, if it made tokens, the tokens it made would be foil too. It's a trivial thing but I'd LOVE if we could get that back or start doing that. I just love shiny cards and some of my decks are all foil and it sorta bums me out seeing tokens on my field that aren't shining.

On a note that maaaaybe other people care about. Has anyone else had trouble with finding what token has already been equipped/targeted while playing Nadu? Like anytime I have the Nadu/Springheart thing going with Greaves/Shuko or whatever. I find myself just picking randomly after awhile and hoping I targeted a token that hasn't already been picked twice. And it gets more confusing cause the game like shuffles them all around as you're doing it so it gets really hard to keep track.

Would be cool if like they could be numbered or like maybe for Nadu specifically there could be some kinda blue text notification of like "This card has been targeted X times" or some such. Anything that would make it easier to keep track of what tokens have already been picked would be neat.