Seperate Cards from Group when Selected for a Target


MTGO Regular
Separate Cards from Group when Selected for a Target so that they are easier to click.

There's so little space between cards and it's hard to tell if they are selected or not.

Time Spiral/Candelabra > Same Lands
Mystic Confluence > Same Creatures (usually tokens)

Once Selected the card should be moved away from the group.


Community Team
Bryant Cook complained about this when he was using Candelabra of Tawnos while playing High Tide after the unbanning of Mind's Desire in Legacy. It would be a nice quality of life improvement for the cards whos interface would function smoother.


MTGO Regular
Yeah, this is a minor annoyance. Myr Battlesphere, clicking on the individual Myr each attack.
Minor Annoyance but doing it wrong could cost the game.

The Biggest real issue with it is that the Green Color is hard to see.
So even if ur "Taking ur time with it" , I'm never certain I got them all until i click the last one.

They could probably get away with making the color way more pronounced.
Larger outline with Black Or dark Red.

I'd still prefer the cards move however as a time saver and less of an annoyance.


Community Team
I wonder how much of a problem it would be to do this on the back end since the client already has this functionality when it comes to blocking. If you block a token that is in a larger stack of tokens, the client pulls the blocked token out of the stack once it has been marked as being blocked.