Not A Bug Secluded court yard won’t let me cast Aragorn, the Uniter.

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So after the first time i did a 1 person game with myself to test it. I had a forest, plains, secluded court yard (i chose humans), arcane signet and delighted halfling. I tapped a mountain on secluded court yard, a island on arcane signet and my two basic lands and I couldn't cast him. So i did another test i did everything but instead I tapped delighted halfling for a mountain instead and still couldn't cast him! Am I doing something wrong here? Or is it a bug?


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So after the first time i did a 1 person game with myself to test it. I had a forest, plains, secluded court yard (i chose humans), arcane signet and delighted halfling. I tapped a mountain on secluded court yard, a island on arcane signet and my two basic lands and I couldn't cast him. So i did another test i did everything but instead I tapped delighted halfling for a mountain instead and still couldn't cast him! Am I doing something wrong here? Or is it a bug?
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You have to click the mana symbols at the bottom left. I hate it too.
Oh really? I was hovering over them but I would have never thought I had to click them. I am pretty new to mtg and mtgo so I thought something else was wrong. I also played my riders of Rohan deck and don’t ever remember having this problem but maybe I just skipped my turn or didn’t do anything


Community Team
Oh really? I was hovering over them but I would have never thought I had to click them. I am pretty new to mtg and mtgo so I thought something else was wrong. I also played my riders of Rohan deck and don’t ever remember having this problem but maybe I just skipped my turn or didn’t do anything
Any time you have mana with any type of spending restriction or bonus attached to it the client will always make you manually spend that mana. It can be frustrating at times, but it also prevents the other side of the coin of the client auto spending both of your haste giving red mana from an Arena of Glory on a single creature when you were planning on casting two.
Any time you have mana with any type of spending restriction or bonus attached to it the client will always make you manually spend that mana. It can be frustrating at times, but it also prevents the other side of the coin of the client auto spending both of your haste giving red mana from an Arena of Glory on a single creature when you were planning on casting two.
Wow I just tested this and it worked. Total noob here, I think I’ve left a couple games out of embarrassment because I was thinking I was an idiot and didn’t know how to play. Thanks so much