Confirmed Repair Function fails with multiplayer dropping


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Got caught in a cEDH game where a player ran out of time while casting Dargo. On my turn, the game crashed when I put a Yuriko Trigger on the stack, causing me to get stuck in a loop where it tried making me pay for and cast the Dargo instead of resolving the Yuriko Damage trigger. After trying to cancel out and trying to pay the 2R to get past the Dargo trigger, the game crashed and went into repair mode.
That in itself was a problem, but the repair mode was even worse. Because the Dargo player left the game, the repair function did not understand WHERE the Dargo player left the game. Subsequently, I lost 3 Yuriko triggers worth of damage, 2 cards on board, and 2 Mist Syndicate Naga triggers because that player was no longer there during the repair. Meanwhile my opponent who was still left in the game had 5 extra creatures on board since he had blocked the Dargo player's attack, but since he was no longer in the game, his blocking creatures took no damage.
So to summarize, the repair function needs something that cleanses all things that a player was trying to do, or had left on the stack, but then concedes/loses/runs out of time/disconnects. The repair function also needs to track when a player who concedes/loses/runs out of time/disconnects is no longer active in the game during it's repairs, so that player on hit, combat damage, and state based effects caused by that player still occur until the game state reaches the point where that player is removed from the game.
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