Not really a bug report but I know DBG reads the forum posts so this should make it to the appropriate people but there has been a significant issue with server performance (i.e. client lag but you know it's server side because of the spinning globe) these past two months and it needs to get resolved as it's causing people to mis-click, lose games, and timeout to the point many tournament players have comment they are no longer playing decks which are usually tight on time as the extra 20% of time you need to take to play around these performance issues causes a match loss.
I thought it was just me but I've noticed more and more MTGO YouTube content creators independently commenting the same on the lag which means is a universally seen problem and one DBG doesn't seem to be addressing given how long it's been going on. And this is a "new" issue, I've been on MTGO since 2005 and I've not seen in this bad in a decade or so for such a long period of time which suggests me to me it's intentional and that's a bad sign of future support as nobody wants to play a laggy game that causes you to lose and I'm going to assume most people would prefer that fixed over some new UI bling.
I thought it was just me but I've noticed more and more MTGO YouTube content creators independently commenting the same on the lag which means is a universally seen problem and one DBG doesn't seem to be addressing given how long it's been going on. And this is a "new" issue, I've been on MTGO since 2005 and I've not seen in this bad in a decade or so for such a long period of time which suggests me to me it's intentional and that's a bad sign of future support as nobody wants to play a laggy game that causes you to lose and I'm going to assume most people would prefer that fixed over some new UI bling.