Playing the same (toxic) player twice in a league is a really dispiriting process.


Just played the same player in a league twice in a row.

They played incredibly slowly, and at times seemed to be willfully playing as slow as possible, particularly once the game was 90+% in their favour to win (long pauses between declaring creatures to attack).

Then I had to play them again, with the exact same level of decency displayed.

I would rather wait 20 minutes between matches, or just come back another day, than have to sit through that.

Deeply unpleasant play experience.


MTGO Regular
Some people play slow for medical reasons: Muscular Dystrophy, MS, Hodgkins, Parkinsons, etc. Sometimes they will warn you in advance. Other times they feel their clock is their business, not yours. And some people play slow because they're playing multiple games at once. If it offends you that much, you can always try to ask them why they're playing so slow. If you don't get a response, just deal with it. The clock is part of the game, and their clock is their clock, after all.
Playing slow is annoying but it's not toxic.

If someone is being toxic in chat you can just block them and never have to worry about seeing their messages again.

If someone is 90%+ to win the game and they're being slow, just play on your phone while you wait. This seems like a non-issue to be honest.


I would expect that kind of behavior in leagues where it's all about winning, not in casual where it's about having an enjoyable game. I have a lot of patience for players who say "Hey, I'm new to this, bear with me" but otherwise liberally block slow players.