Performance improvements for commander and large decks in general


Well-known member
The more cards that are on the table, the longer the game takes to load up but for some reason it also affects how long it takes for anything to happen. If I play my 800 card deck the game is nearly unplayable.
I'm not going to try and understand the code of this game, which I'm sure is awful, but I fail to see how the number of cards in my deck has anything to do with passing priority on turn 1.
Back in v2 and v3, this problem never existed. Something changed since then.
I believe it started going down hill when they started showing info in your graveyard, such as number of creatures, types of cards, ect. While useful, if memory serves, performance got much worse after that change.
Searching your library for more than 1 card, such as with cultivate, is suicide. Searching for a single card isn't bad but trying to grab more than one will have the program go into a 10s-of-seconds lag fest which if bothered with will try and persuade you into closing the now non-responding piece of crap.

Of course none of this applies to 1v1 so I'm sure this will go right to the bottom of the list of things that will never get fixed.