Confirmed Pacifism not legal in standard


New member
Game ID
The card Pacifism should be legal in standard, having been printed in Foundations, yet the MTGO deck editor says it is illegal.
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MTGO Regular
Looks like there are a number of cards that should be legal in Standard, that currently aren't on MTGO. Rumor is that's going to be addressed with tomorrow's update.


Staff member
Community Team
Tag that needs to be applied: More info Needed

Which version of Pacifism were you attempting to use? I.E which set/print.


New member
This seems to be happening in multiple formats with reprinted Foundations cards. I am getting the same message that Leonin Skyhunter is not legal in my Pioneer deck. I would be pretty sure the same thing would happen if I added Leonin Skyhunter to a Standard deck.



Staff member
Community Team
Tag that needs to be applied: Confirmed
Testing applied: Created a standard legal deck and added Pacifism.
Test Results: The deck became illegal once Pacifism was added.


New member
Any estimate of when this issue will be addressed? Same problem concerns the card Dragonlord's servant.