New Accounts with 140 card decks?


Well-known member
Was wondering what is up with those new accounts that always seem to play 140 random card decks? They take forever for their turns, never play anything, sometimes even discard lands at end of turn and concede after 3 or 4 turns of doing nothing... almost feels like playing bots.

I run into those on a regular basis in the open standard rooms and was curious if anyone else made any similar experiences?

They also always seem to have their chat disabled so you can't even interact with them in any way.

Check screenshot below (opponent down more than 10 minutes hasn't played anything, discarded twice then just disconnects).

Also those 140 card decks seem to take to load forever, slowing the client down considerably.

If these are new players with auto generated decks, could we at least have them play with only 60 card decks so that at least the annoying loading time gets cut down?

And as I said, I usually play those kind of players at least once every other day... it's a really bad time waster.



Well-known member
Here we go again... new day, new guy... same procedure as every day...

Seriously... what's this about mtgo team? Can we please get this fixed? It is VERY irritating, especially as you have to wait a couple minutes to get the game even started.



These are likely win traders - their tactic is to hold you up while other accounts of theirs are paired against one another quickly to gain prizes.

Anyone who sees behaviors like this should file a conduct report with Customer Support at


Well-known member
Win Trading really doesn‘t make a lot of sense, as these occur in the free to play best of one open rooms.


Well-known member
Another interesting tidbit about those guys... they start of with a 140 deck, but somehow the decksize goes down to 139 even after they draw their starting hand???

Please... I need to solve this mystery... anyone got a clue what is going on here?



MTGO Regular
They are actually Freedeckers playing 1400 card (max allowed) decks, which is why it takes so long for the games to load. You just can't see the last digit in their deck size (also why it only drops to 139 after draw). I try to pass along some suggestions to them about deck size and mana mix before they Concede. But I'm not sure if they can read the chat comments or not, being Freedeckers.
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Well-known member
They are actually Freedeckers playing 1400 card (max allowed) decks, which is why it takes so long for the games to load. You just can't see the last digit in their deck size (also why it only drops to 139 after draw). I try to pass along some suggestions to them about deck size and mana mix before they Concede. But I'm not sure if they can read the chat comments or not, being Freedeckers.

Thanks, that actually makes sense and is what I was suspecting.

Maybe that 1400 card limit is a bit too much for those freedeckers then?


MTGO Regular
Thanks, that actually makes sense and is what I was suspecting.

Maybe that 1400 card limit is a bit too much for those freedeckers then?

That 1400 card limit appears to be too much for the game engine, since being moved to Daybreak servers.

Prior to last October, I had Buddies I could play 1400 vs. 1400 and never had any issues, for years. The release of Ikoria introduced the severe pre-game loading and sideboarding lag you mentioned (maybe Companion checking?), but otherwise continued to play fine. But the server move introduced a fun new variable, "Magic Online has encountered an error and needs to restart your game..." You can pretty much bet on getting that error if the combined deck totals are over around 1600 cards. I really think they need to cut the max deck size down to something their servers can handle (maybe 700-900 cards?), which should also cut down on the "Waiting on server..." interminably-spinning black & white hypno-coin.


New member
Sometimes I have a feeling that there are actually AI bots to bug you out apart from veterans who play new mythic cards and try to convince that they won you with one dollar deck and league players who wait 10 minutes to do a turn in hope you would concede because you are bored to death.


MTGO Regular
That 1400 card limit appears to be too much for the game engine, since being moved to Daybreak servers.

Prior to last October, I had Buddies I could play 1400 vs. 1400 and never had any issues, for years. The release of Ikoria introduced the severe pre-game loading and sideboarding lag you mentioned (maybe Companion checking?), but otherwise continued to play fine. But the server move introduced a fun new variable, "Magic Online has encountered an error and needs to restart your game..." You can pretty much bet on getting that error if the combined deck totals are over around 1600 cards. I really think they need to cut the max deck size down to something their servers can handle (maybe 700-900 cards?), which should also cut down on the "Waiting on server..." interminably-spinning black & white hypno-coin.
This is very helpful background. So either Companions or Mutate was the original source of the pre-game & sideboarding lag…that’s interesting, and not surprising.

Agree that they should definitely cut the max deck size down to 700-800 cards to help alleviate this. 99.99% of players won’t care about that change at all, and it should lighten the server load.


MTGO Regular
I haven't seen the 140/1400 card decks. But one thing I've found...and I fully concede im kinda putting my tin foil hat on here but, when playing in "Modern Open Play" ill go against these 200-600 card decks and the crazy thing is, their draws are PERFECT. It's as if they're tutoring every turn rather than drawing. Perfect removal at the right time, perfect threats, answers for everything, perfect mana curve, never miss a land drop. I've had multiple games where they just won with Battle Of Wits on turn 4 with ramp and not a single tutor.

And I don't doubt it could be a coincidence but.....its just weird to me how consistent it is. The 200+ card decks are often scarier than the 60 card meta decks.


MTGO Regular
Agree that they should definitely cut the max deck size down to 700-800 cards to help alleviate this. 99.99% of players won’t care about that change at all, and it should lighten the server load.

Has any thought been given to this suggestion? It has appeared in numerous threads throughout these forums, concerning different issues. Is it Under Consideration? In Progress? Backlogged? Not within Daybreak's ability?

I have played hundreds of games with big decks of varying sizes on both sides of the board, and it appears total combined deck sizes over 1600-1700 cards cause the "Magic Online has encountered an error and needs to restart your game..." error in over 90% of these matches. Cutting maximum deck size down to 800 cards should remedy the majority of these errors. Can we at least get it looked into?