In Progress my game wont load


New member
Game ID
ive been emailing with mtgo support all week about my game not being able to load i tried every step that they suggested but i continue to get the same error so they asked me to post on here for some extra help. down below is the full error im getting ill try anything lol.
MagicExceptionType: ApplicationConfigurationException
Severity: Fatal
Message: Sorry, an unexpected error has occurred.
ActionToTake: The application will now close.
InternalDetails: Failed to initialize SessionManager.
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MTGO Regular
Can we presume you have both tried this?

Do a complete uninstall of MTGO (I recommend Revo Uninstaller, which also clears leftover Registry entries).

Clear the ClickOnce Cache

  1. Press Windows Key + R or go to Start -> Run (Search -> Run, then Click Run in Windows 8)
  2. In the box, type: rundll32 dfshim CleanOnlineAppCache
  3. Then click “OK” (if prompted)
  4. Press Windows key + R
  5. Type %LocalAppData%\Apps
  6. Delete the 2.0 folder
  7. Download and install the client from this link:


New member
Can we presume you have both tried this?

Do a complete uninstall of MTGO (I recommend Revo Uninstaller, which also clears leftover Registry entries).

Clear the ClickOnce Cache

  1. Press Windows Key + R or go to Start -> Run (Search -> Run, then Click Run in Windows 8)
  2. In the box, type: rundll32 dfshim CleanOnlineAppCache
  3. Then click “OK” (if prompted)
  4. Press Windows key + R
  5. Type %LocalAppData%\Apps
  6. Delete the 2.0 folder
  7. Download and install the client from this link:
I've completed this. Unexpected error continues.