Could Not Reproduce MTGO not responding and costing me a game i should've won


MTGO was supper laggy and at some point stopped responding completely, not only i was super ahead in the game it is just so annoying this happens regardless if you were supposed to win or loose. and this time i was supposed to win. I have a super powerful pc with a top of the line ryzen cpu and the best amd gpu so that is definitely not the issue, second of all i have a super strong LAN connection and my internet did not crash because i restarted MTGO multiple times and even restarted pc and it didn't help. id like the price of the league back because this is unexpectable.


Staff member
Community Team
Per QA Team
Tag applied: Could Not Reproduce
Testing applied: Entered and completed multiple events.
Test Results: The gameplay proceeded without performance issues or stagger.

To request a refund for your Event entry, please open a ticket with the MTGO Customer Service at the link bellow:

To potentially fix your issue I suggest doing a clean installation to clear game cache, temporary files and make sure that everything is running smooth.

You can perform the clean installation following the steps on the link bellow:


thank you, it happened again today, i have a 3 minute video of it. i don't think it is a download problem because mid match i switched to my mums laptop and it still didn't respond.
. added the clip