Not A Bug Monstrous Emergence only targets own creature when not revealing from hand


Active member
When you attempt to cast Monstrous Emergence by choosing a creature you control, there is never an option to target a creature. It prompts you to choose a creature and then to choose a creature again. The second creature you choose is dealt damage, but you are only able to select your own creatures. You cannot target opponent's creatures.

When revealing from hand the card works as expected and you can target opponent's creatures.


Staff member
Community Team
Tag applied: Invalid Game ID
Testing applied: Tested Monstrous Emergence on multiple creatures, dealing damage by choosing a creature on the battlefield.
Test Results: Monstrous Emergence worked as intended.

The replay of the Game ID does not contain Monstrous Emergence. To investigate further we require the Game ID of a game when the issue occurs with Monstrous Emergence.