Backlog Modo handles players leaving/dying incorrectly.


Community Team
Currently in the client when a player dies or concedes the client will immediately proceed to the next players turn unless a trigger from a remaining player is waiting to be put on the stack. This is incorrect under the comp rules, and definitely effects the outcome of games if players were waiting to cast spells before their turn.

  • 800.4j If a player leaves the game during their turn, that turn continues to its completion without an active player. If the active player would receive priority, instead the next player in turn order receives priority, or the top object on the stack resolves, or the phase or step ends, whichever is appropriate.
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MTGO Regular
Yeah, I think for individual bugs it helps enormously to have a Game ID for devs to reference to enable quick troubleshooting.

But for systemic issues that impact an entire game type (i.e. multiplayer), and occur universally each time a player dies, this is pretty easily and straightforwardly reproducible, and so there’s little added value including a Game ID.


Staff member
Community Team
There isn't a game ID to add, it's a problem with multiplayer in general.
If you cannot show what you are talking about either via screenshots, recording, or some other way then the only thing left to us is Game ID. Telling us about a problem without proof of the problem does not help us figure out what is going on.


Community Team
Next time I have two buddies online along with me I create a 3 player game, and we'll get a game ID for you.


Community Team
Event#265668103 Game#866138286

The replay on this game is bugged on my end, but the Marchesa player sacced creatures during the turn the Karrthus player died and the client skipped over that end step all together, and Marchesa didn't get their creatures back until my end step.