Resolved Magecraft Not Working - Chain of Smog doesn't trigger Witherbloom Apprentice


New member
New as of a day or two, the Withersmog combo stopped working. When you have a Witherbloom Apprentice in play, casting Chain of Smog results in a Witherbloom Apprentice trigger, but subsequent copies of Chain of Smog don't cause additional triggers. Beware, as it completely ruins the deck.

UPDATE: Sorry, just realized this is a duplicate. My initial search missed copies.

Clouded Mirror

New member
Learned the hard way today that both Professor Onyx and Sedgemoore Witch are bugged: their ability doesn't trigger of the copies of Chain of Smog. I suspect, it's the issue with magecraft ability in general but can't verify it right now.

Edit: now found similar reports. Sorry for duplicity.
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