In Planning I would like the old foils to return or improve the current foils please


New member
The current looks cheap with the wavy foil just cascading around in my opinion and I missed the old foilings over the current foils because the old foils make the cards more shinier and pops out more. However, I do enjoy the neon foils and the textured foils from certain cards in the previous sets. Would there be any plans to improve or change the current foils?
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Community Team
The most recent change to foils is one of the first times I think they've improved in the client myself. Especially when you have the animation off and the oil slick coating over the card is no longer there.


New member
Yeah perhaps, but the oil slick feels is still there to me. They just lack the old mtg foil where they 'pop' if that makes sense. Its like when you compare an old border foil to the current foils. the old border ones just pop and shine like what a foil should.


me van hacer esperar casi dos años otra vez como cuando no arreglaban mi carta favorita aminatous augury



Community Team
me van hacer esperar casi dos años otra vez como cuando no arreglaban mi carta favorita aminatous augury

Can you post in English on the forums, please.

Google translate:
"They are going to make me wait almost two years again like when they didn't fix my favorite card aminatous augury"