Have Mirrodin Besieged show how many artifacts are in your graveyard


Well-known member
With a lotta cards that rely on a certain number of things being somewhere, it's cool that MTGO sometimes does you the favour of showing you in extra blue letters how many of X thing you already have towards it, so you don't have to sit there counting them.

It would be SUPER cool if they added that to Mirrodin Besieged for it's Phyrexian side. It can be a bit of a pain in the butt to have to like squint and count the number of artifacts in my graveyard every few turns to see where am at and if im at 15 yet. If I could just have that information right on the card that would save me hecka time and make things a lot easier.


We don't have bandwidth to go back and apply this tech to cards from older sets, but it does create an interesting convo about how to handle this whole class of effects (delirium, descend, other counting effects)


Well-known member
We don't have bandwidth to go back and apply this tech to cards from older sets, but it does create an interesting convo about how to handle this whole class of effects (delirium, descend, other counting effects)
Oh darn. I do appreciate the honest and clear answer though and at least knowing what's up.

But yeah, if there was some alternate way or whatever to eventually get that kinda counting on older cards that would be really sweet.