Harsher penalties for in-game harassment and misconduct


MTGO Regular
I find these sort of threads almost always bring out a few people who will say some variation of "Harassment is needed to get a point across that we don't like what you're playing" and even stuff like "Would you rather verbal harassment or that I physically assault you" and please, I fully encourage these sort of posters to share their opinion in this thread and show examples of exactly what I'm talking about.

A consistent issue I've run into on MTGO is players who when dealing with a play they don't like or seeing cards they don't like played will resort to letting the timer run out, name calling, harassment, misogyny and even physical threats all the while insisting that IM the one being toxic simply for playing the card game in a way they don't like. It's something I have to report fairly often and I even feel kinda bad for whoever handles these reports that it's something I have to do multiple times a week.

Last time I brought up something along these lines, here are some of the responses I got:


Here's a recent example from just today:


I could post more examples if it helps but I don't wanna just stretch the page.

And I'm sure I'm gonna bring out the "You deserve this harassment! You need to be held accountable!" people and again, I fully encourage you to post if you feel this way. I'm happy to have more examples of players that think harassment and threats are a viable way to respond to someone who is just playing the card game.

That being said, is there anything we can do about this?