Event ID: 271034601
Game ID: 887298494
At the moment I see no way to tell what level a Talent Class is at on mtgo, which seems like a rather severe problem.
Related to that, the third level of Gossip's Talent specifically is quite badly bugged, because it does not show you which creature is associated with a specific trigger. Sometimes you really don't want to blink some of your guys and really want to blink others; in the game in question I wanted to blink my own wolverine to kill my own hunter's talent, because I only had 3 cards left in my library and didn't want to deck myself. I connected with four creatures and gossip's talent level 3, and four triggers go on the stack. I can't tell which triggers are associated with which creatures, and if I haphazardly activate them I might literally kill myself (because several of my other creatures draw cards on etb), so I'm forced to select "no" for all the triggers.
Game ID: 887298494
At the moment I see no way to tell what level a Talent Class is at on mtgo, which seems like a rather severe problem.
Related to that, the third level of Gossip's Talent specifically is quite badly bugged, because it does not show you which creature is associated with a specific trigger. Sometimes you really don't want to blink some of your guys and really want to blink others; in the game in question I wanted to blink my own wolverine to kill my own hunter's talent, because I only had 3 cards left in my library and didn't want to deck myself. I connected with four creatures and gossip's talent level 3, and four triggers go on the stack. I can't tell which triggers are associated with which creatures, and if I haphazardly activate them I might literally kill myself (because several of my other creatures draw cards on etb), so I'm forced to select "no" for all the triggers.