Resolved Game froze and when I restarted, match screen remained blank


New member
I cast an Abrupt Decay on an opponent's Teferi in a Legacy League and the game was stuck on resolving that with the loading swirl gif -- It took several minutes, so I restarted the client. Every time I loaded the client back up, it put me into the match but it was completely blank. I assume by now I've conceded, but this is really unfortunate considering I needed to win my remaining matches to keep going without buying tickets


New member
Perhaps related. I queuded into a league game. Game window poped up but noting loaded on the screen. Been like this for 10 or so min now. I logged out and logged back in. Game window popped up upon re-log-in but same issue.


This was fixed later that day - in the future, please file a ticket at They are generally seen faster than Forums posts.