Resolved Deck size validation bug


New member
Found a bug today in a DMR draft, where the deck size validation check just completely failed to work. Initially just joined the queue by accident with a 27-card no land deck, then I was able to build and queue into games with 24-card, and 0-card decks. I couldn't join from within the deckbuilding interface, but I could join the queue using the "Play Match" button from the Limited/Draft tab.



New member
Update: I was able to join queues with 0-card decks in BRO draft and sealed leagues as well (but not in any constructed events). This appears to be an issue affecting deck validation for all Limited formats.


New member
I was in a Dominaria Remastered draft league and had my deck set other than basic lands. I dont remember doing anything different than usual, clicked to add basic lands and went with the automatic recommendations and clicked save. Went to eat and came back to start my league, I feel like I would have noticed if there were no lands but maybe not. Anyways it still let me submit and I mulled to 1 before I realized I only had 26 cards in my deck. I added them but it still let me start my second match with no lands (forgot the basics I added in sideboarding wouldn't stay). I toyed around with my next league to see if I could recreate it but had no luck. Attach the screenshot I have of the match starting with 26 cards from my replay.


New member
Repro Steps:
1) Join a limited league and draft a deck. Build a deck with less than 40 cards and click "save".
2) Note that the "play league match" button on the event itself is greyed out because the deck is illegal.
3) Return to the MTGO client homepage and navigate to limited events.
4) Click on the "Play Match" button that is not greyed out.

(This is a duplicate of an already-reported bug -
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What happens after you click Play Match? That should be the moment when the game checks for deck legality, and in this case throws an error message saying Deck Invalid


New member
Would recommend removing the reproduction steps from this thread and posting them into an exploits thread instead. I just found the same thing.
There's currently a bug on the server where if you save a limited deck with under 40 cards in deck editing mode, then return to the main draft page, you can start a match with under 40 cards in your deck. I figured this out because I accidentally started a match without adding basic lands. I thought I should report it as soon as I could.


MTGO Regular
This bug/exploit has been reported by many other players. It was originally reported here:

Then it was again reported here:

And then it was reported a third time, but this thread was moved to the “resolved bugs” section (could not reproduce):

Your post is now the 4th thread on this in just the last few weeks. Clearly this is a real problem.