Not A Bug Daru Spiritualist triggered abilities triggers twice of two Daru Spiritualists are under your control


If you have two Daru Spiritualists under your control and one is targeted (which should give it +0/+2 until end of turn), then it will instead get two triggers (so a total of +0/+4 until end of turn). The untargeted Daru Spiritualist, as expected, gets no triggers.

Maybe this is the expected behavior, but the wording doesn't suggest that, to me at least.



Community Team
This is expected behavior for Daru Spiritualist since the ability only cares about if a Cleric you control becomes the target of a spell or ability, and when that condition is met a trigger goes off to give the targeted Cleric +0/+2. Nothing in the rules text of Daru Spiritualist stops multiple instances of it being in play from stacking their abilities when they trigger.