More Info Needed Cards being drawn face down


New member
Game ID
Match 274329804
Game 900385448
Screenshot or Video
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When I play this deck, sometimes cards start being drawn face down. I can still play the card, but right clicking it only says "Face down card."

I've also had opponents say that they aren't given the option to pay the tax on Ghostly Prison. That often happens in the same games that cards are being drawn face down.

It's hard for me to know how to reproduce, but I've had this happen in multiple games. I think it's a combination of Ghostly Prison and Manabarbs.



New member
Can this please be looked at again? The Match Id and Game Id are correct. They match the ids in the header of the screenshot.


Staff member
Community Team
Per QA team
Tag applied: More Info Needed
Testing applied: Game state reproduction.
Test Results: No cards were drawn face down.

To further the investigation with this issue we would need the list of cards contained in the deck used. Could you link screenshots or write down the cards?