Agreed! When you block someone, there is a "Comments" box, but once the function is completed, YOU can't see those comments. You should be able to when clicking a name on your Blocked list.I don't currently have anyone on the list, but a date added column and a possible note of why you blocked someone could be useful features in that part of the menu.
Secondary problem with the Blocked List: it keeps them from joining your games, but it doesn't keep you from accidentally joining theirs. When that list gets up around 200 names (as mine has over the past 20+ years), it's impossible to memorize them all, and impractical to go look up every name before you join a game (it'll usually be filled by the time you check). The Blocked List should be reciprocal; you can't join mine, I can't join yours. JMO, but I'm entitled to it.I used to be able to add players to the Blocked List, but lately it has stopped working. The names don't appear in the list, and the player may show up in a match again.