More Info Needed Cannot join/or host (create) a Commander Game

Game ID
I opened a ticket with your team and was sent to the forms
I am unable to join a commander game

I am IT and even went as far as to uninstall my OS and run with nothing but MTGO and I still cannot join a commander game.
I always get the error "Cannot join game"

I can join and host a Modern Game....for some reason

Please advise.


Staff member
Community Team
Tag applied: More Info Needed

This sounds like an issue with a card that is not legal in the format, or possibly that has legality issue in itself.

We are currently working on a Tarmogoyf not being legal in the Commander format. If you hold this card in your deck this might be the issue.

Otherwise, you can send us the list of cards in your deck for us to further the investigation.