Could Not Reproduce Cannot Chat in-game


New member
Game ID
I'm having a fairly consistent issue in my games this morning. Simply put, when I send a message in the game chat, nothing happens. I can see my opponent's messages, but when I type something out and hit enter/send, the text box clears and no message is sent.

I rebooted the client and that didn't help, neither did uninstall/reinstall

I'm playing in a community league over discord, and I started sending messages there, and opponent mentioned that my messages eventually came but not until after the game was over. I don't have the GameID for that as it was lost when I uninstalled/reinstalled

Only thing that I think I changed wrt chat is that I blocked some jerk last night who quit a match against me after like 2 turns. That was one of my last games for the night, and I don't think its worked since. Not sure if that caused it, but its a start

Looking in the forum here, I am not the first person to experience this, most within the last month:


New member
Just wanted to update that its been a week and this issue is still present for me

As I mostly play casual or player-run league games, this is extremely gamebreaking for me. I would like at least an acknowledgement from Daybreak that this is occuring

Thank you


MTGO Regular
Daybreak employees are on Holiday through the 1st of the year, so you probably won't get an acknowledgement before then. But you will probably be asked for a valid Game ID, which will start with the number 9. What you listed on your OP was an Event ID, I believe. Happy New Year!